Wednesday, June 11, 2008

WWDC Response

So the world wide developer conference has now concluded but has left us with some Apple goodness. First up is the stunning new iPhone with an awesome pricetag and Australian confirmation. The replacement to .Mac called MobileMe offering blackberry and exchange like push email, contacts, calendars & photos compatible with both mac and PC. Speaking of mac, Apple released some details and a new website for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopar, regarding it more as refinement release rather than adding new features. Don't worry, as you read on the Snow Leopard site, there will be a number of new applications and services available to consumers and developers.

I for one like to see new information about upcoming releases, though i'm more excited knowing that in a couple of weeks I will be able to get my iPhone and stop pretending with iPod touch. It has serves me well but the iPhone and more memory will be awesome.

Posted using Fern 0.2.5

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